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3 Top Tips for Avoiding Heat Emergencies This Winter

The threat of snow and ice may not be a big thing in our area right now, but, chances are, you’re still likely relying on your heating system to do its job in keeping you warm. When heat emergencies or a complete breakdown happen, it won’t be fun! It is definitely not something you want to experience as a homeowner. You might be forced to come up with a hefty amount for an unexpected repair or full furnace replacement. Not the holiday gift you are hoping for right? Not to mention, you’ll be cold!

Thankfully, you can avoid this scenario, especially if you keep these three top tips for avoiding winter heat emergencies in mind.

#1: Keep your system professionally maintained.

Preventative maintenance is important! Just like your car needs regular oil changes and your teeth need routine cleanings at the dentist, your furnace system need to be tuned up on a regular basis. Yet while most people are good at keeping up with car and their teeth’s needs they are not so good at taking care of their HVAC system and preventing heat emergencies.

Lack of professional preventative maintenance is actually one of the most common reasons for emergency heating system service calls. During preventative maintenance appointments, our experienced team of professionals at Arctic Air will check the internal components of your machine, clean or replace filters, and make sure there are no outstanding issues that could pose a problem in the future.

Preventative maintenance helps with improved comfort, better air quality, energy savings, and peace of mind knowing that we have taken a close look at everything and the chances that you’ll have to see again before the Spring – when we should be called back in to check your home’s cooling systems – are minimal.

#2: Don’t try to repair the system yourself.

Heating systems are complex things, and they need professional servicing AND professional repair. No matter how handy you are with other mechanical and tech things around the house, heating system work can be dangerous. Especially if you don’t have the proper training.

If something is repaired incorrectly, it could end up costing you more down the road to be fixed and even lead to significant damage to your home. Yes, YouTube is full of DIY heating repair videos, but is it really worth the risk to your home and family? And as we offer a 24-hour emergency service if you need it real help is never too far away in the unfortunate event that you do experience a heating emergency.

#3: Don’t put off a heating system replacement.

Is your system more than 15 years old? If so, it’s probably on its way out. An old, outdated system is almost certainly not energy efficient and will be more prone to breakdowns.

Not sure if your system has more life in it or not? Our team will help you determine how long you have and what new replacement options are available within your budget. We know this is a big investment and requires some planning and research. Let us help you find which one is right for you!


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