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Want to save money on your heating bill? Reverse your ceiling fans to save money…

Ceiling fans keep the breeze moving through your home during the hot summer, and they contribute to your comfort and ability to stay cool. Did you know that ceiling fans are also useful to stay warm in the winter? Most ceiling fans operate with two functions; one is designed to blow cool air towards you, and the other is designed to push warm air away from the ceiling and into your living space. Warm air rises, and the use of a ceiling fan reduces the waste of heated air by preventing it from accumulating around the ceiling. This fan function is especially useful and important if you have high or vaulted ceilings. Arctic Air Heating and Cooling provides HVAC service in Gladstone MO to keep your home warm, and the simple use of your ceiling fan can make a difference in your comfort as well.

A Clockwise Direction

Most ceiling fans have a small toggle switch on the side of the fan that allows you to change the direction of blades. The default setting operates your fan in a counterclockwise direction; this allows the fan to move cool air throughout the room. Moving the switch to run the fan in a clockwise direction will push warm air down from the ceiling and circulate it throughout the room. Your heating system will not need to operate as frequently to keep your home warm, and you’ll save money on your heating utilities.

Warm Air Circulation

How does it work? Reversing the direction of the ceiling fan blows air up towards the ceiling, and the warm air sitting at ceiling level is pushed out towards the walls and is circulated back down the walls of the room. Since the ceiling fan is not blowing air on you, you won’t feel cold; you’ll simply enjoy a warmer feeling in the room. Your thermostat will register the warmer air, and it will not signal your heating system that more heat is needed.

Changing the Direction of Your Fan

To utilize this ceiling fan feature, don’t flip the switch while the ceiling fan is on. Make sure the fan is off, flip the switch, then turn your ceiling fan back on. You should feel the difference right away, and you won’t feel a breeze while the ceiling fan is operating. It may seem odd to be running a ceiling fan in the winter, but you will enjoy a warmer feeling in your home and lower heating bills as well.

Consider Installing a Ceiling Fan

If you don’t have ceiling fans in your home, consider installing them to help improve your heating costs. You’ll also benefit from using the fans for cool airflow in the summer. Ceiling fans work best in rooms with eight foot or higher ceilings, and a larger ceiling fan will be more effective in a large room. A long room may benefit from more than one ceiling fan. A technician for HVAC service in Gladstone MO from Arctic Air Heating and Cooling can assist you in determining what ceiling fan configuration will work best for improving the air circulation in your home.

Ceiling fans are a great choice for improving home heating costs in the winter and providing more comfort during the heat of summer as well. Reversing the direction of your ceiling fan is a simple way to make your home more comfortable and save on your utility bills.

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