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Is your HVAC unit spreading germs?

Ultraviolet light was first successfully used to kill the virus that causes tuberculosis in 1903, and since that time, UV lights have been used for sterilization in a wide range of settings that include hospitals, restaurants and more. Many are now using ultraviolet lights in heating and cooling systems to improve indoor air quality, and you may be wondering how germicidal lights work and if they are worth the investment. With a closer look at how they work and the benefits they can provide, you may be ready to invest in a germicidal light for your home’s heating and cooling system.

Kansas City Germicidal Light Experts

Heating and cooling systems are well-known for being a breeding ground for mold and bacteria due to the combination of darkness and moisture in the environment, and these germs can circulate throughout your home with the climate-controlled air. When this happens, the indoor air quality is negatively impacted. Many who have respiratory conditions can suffer as a result. Killing the germs that grow in heating and cooling systems has proven to be challenging, but germicidal lights are changing this. These lights are easy to use and offer proven benefits. Essentially, a simple ultraviolet light is installed in a manner so that it projects UV light toward the air handler. By doing so, the light kills the germs that may otherwise begin to grow and thrive in this environment. The light will shine on the HVAC unit non-stop, but it will be up to the property owner to verify that the light has not burned out from time to time.

While germicidal lights have effectively been used in commercial environments for many years, such as in hospitals and medical centers, they are now affordable for use in a residential environment as well.

In fact, some models may cost only a few hundred dollars or less, and this means this is a cost-effective way to improve indoor air quality. Those who are interested in improving their indoor air quality with incredible results but without spending a lot of time or money doing say may consider researching UV lights in greater detail.

Call your trusted experts at Arctic Air Heating & Cooling if you have questions or to schedule a free consultation!

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