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It’s Time for Furnace Maintenance in Kansas City

Fall means an end to many summer activities and time to prepare for winter. As you make your household to-do list, do not forget one of the most important items of all: your furnace. As the weather cools off, it is time for furnace maintenance in Kansas City. Here are seven reasons your furnace should get a tune up.

1. Prevent a Fire

Although fires caused by furnaces are not common, neglected furnaces can be a fire hazard. These fires are usually be caused by overheating. This may be due to dirt built up on the inside, inadequate airflow or volatile materials or gasses placed nearby. During a furnace tune up, the contractor will check the whole system for potential safety hazards.

2. Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide is odorless and can creep up on you easily. Poisoning from carbon monoxide is therefore not a rare event, unfortunately. However, it can be prevented.

The deadly gas is created during the incomplete combustion of a fuel, such as wood or natural gas. In a furnace that is operating normally, any toxic gasses created are vented outdoors. However, malfunctioning furnaces can cause a buildup of poisonous gasses in your home. A tune up keeps your furnace running as it is supposed to and reduces your family’s risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

3. Avoid a Malfunction in Winter

The worst time for losing your heating is in the middle of winter. The colder the weather gets, the harder your furnace has to work and this is when furnace failure is most likely.

You can avoid this by making sure your furnace is in its best shape. Scheduling your maintenance tune up in the fall can help prevent your furnace going out when you need it most, and it can save you from costly repairs alter in the season.

4. Prolong Lifespan of HVAC System

During a tune up, the HVAC technician will make repairs, clean and lubricate parts, and evaluate system performance. This extends the lifespan of costly HVAC equipment by keeping small problems from becoming large ones, which can cause permanent damage to the furnace. A

5. Increase Home Comfort and Air Quality

A furnace that is running well will keep your home warm. Indoor air quality will also improve when the furnace is clean and the filter and blower motor are operating as they were intended to.

6. Improve Energy Efficiency

Furnaces that are not working correctly struggle to do their job. This means they use more energy, which you might see reflected on your heating bill. Your furnace technician will make sure your furnace is working at optimal efficiency to save on your energy costs.

Cold temperatures have a way of sneaking up on us, so do not delay your furnace tune up for long. For furnace maintenance in Kansas City, make sure you contact the best furnace professionals around. Arctic Air Heating & Cooling.

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