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Measuring Relative Humidity – How It’s Done and Why It’s Important

Humidity is the amount of moisture or water vapor that is found in the air. Relative humidity is a term that is used to define just how much of that moisture there is, expressed as a percentage. You probably hear the term when the weatherman is giving out the forecast in the evening.

There is not very much you can do about the relative humidity being high outdoors. All you can do is dress for the heat and take plenty of water with you as it is going to be hot and sticky all around you. A better idea may be to head for the nearest air conditioned space to keep cool instead!

Having a high level of relative humidity inside your home can be more of a problem. And it can be the middle of winter and you can find that your home is still oddly sticky and warm.

How Does Humidity Happen at Home?

Aside from the effect of outdoor weather conditions, you and everyone in your family, including your pets, add moisture to the air in your home when you breathe or when you perspire. Any houseplants you might have can add to that moisture level too. Then we add even more moisture to the air when we cook, do laundry, shower and even when we wash dishes.

The Importance of the Right Humidity Level

Our homes do need a certain humidity level to be present for our health and comfort. Too much relative humidity, or too little can cause all kinds of problems. Consider this table:

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Measuring Relative Humidity

If you have any of these problems in your home, the humidity level there may certainly be the problem. The first thing you have to do is measure it. This is not difficult, all you need is a little device called a hygrometer. It may go by other names sometimes – a humidity sensor or a relative humidity indicator – but they all do the same thing; measure the relative humidity level in your home and display it as a percentage.

There are two main types of hygrometers – electronic and mechanical. There are differences between the two that may help you make a purchase decision. Check out this chart:

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Whichever method you choose once you have measured the relative humidity in your home you need to decide if it is indeed too high or low. Most humans feel comfortable in about 45% humidity so that is a good figure to look for.

If you do discover that humidity – either too much or too little – is a problem in your home the fix is usually fairly easy. There are both humidifiers and dehumidifiers on the market that can be purchased relatively inexpensively that can solve your home humidity woes fairly easily.

If you have any questions about our range of services, please do not hesitate to contact us on 816-436-1000 or email us: service@arcticairkc.com. One of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members will be happy to assist you in any way they can and answer all your queries.

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