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Do You Really Need a Smart Thermostat? Tips to Help You Decide

Not so very long ago, thermostats were really simple things. They had a numbered manual dial that you turned dup or down according to How hot (or cool) you wanted your home to be. Then they went digital. You could now program your thermostat to preset temperatures for different times of day.

Now the latest thermometers are mini computers. You can manage most of them from your smartphone. Or your voice assistant. They can give you all kinds of information about your home and energy efficiency to help you (in theory) keep a perfectly pleasantly heated/cooled home without wasting money on energy bills unnecessarily.

But do you really need to make the move from the simpler programmable thermostat you have now? We don’t mention manual thermostats for a reason and that’s because no one should have one of those anymore, they are simply too unreliable and can be real money wasters. But do you need a smart thermostat? Ask yourself these simple questions to help you decide:

Am You a Tech-o-Phile?

Some people just love tech. They are often the ones lining up for the latest smartphone model the day it comes out. Every new tech innovation excites them, and they can’t wait to get their hands on it. If that sounds like you then a thermostat that can be controlled from miles away via and app, can be adjusted in lots of different ways and email you energy usage statistics on the go is likely to be something you’ll love.

Are You Forgetful?

Has adjusting the thermostat before you leave home or go to bed always been a part of your routine? Do you do it every day without fail, summer or winter? If so, then a simpler programmable digital thermostat is probably all you need.

If, on the other hand, you constantly forget to adjust your thermostat for nighttime, work time or vacation, then a smart thermostat will help you save money for sure. That’s because you won’t actually have to remember to do a thing. It’ll make sure that things are nice and comfortable when people are at home but that its inbuilt thrifty nature kicks in when they are not and unless you want to change something it’ll do that every day of the year, no reminders required.

Do You Own or Rent?

If you rent your home but are responsible for all your own heating and cooling costs then naturally you, just like everyone else, are probably quite concerned about keeping those costs down. But, if you purchase a smart thermostat if you move you may end up losing out on the investment you made in it.

So, if you rent, you may be better off foregoing the smart thermostat or learn to install and uninstall it yourself. On the other hand, if your energy costs are high and you are fairly sure that it’s your poor thermostat habits that are to blame the $200-300 a smart thermostat will cost may be worth the money.

Are You a Landlord?

Landlords who rent houses and apartments with utilities included know the pain of tenants who like to set the thermostat at 80 degrees in the winter and 55 in the summer. Installing smart thermostats and then controlling them with your phone keeps things under control. You’ll need an on-site wireless connection. Of course, one Wi-Fi connection can serve multiple units though and the savings you’ll make on energy costs are likely to far outweigh the cost of the thermostat and the WIFI if you have energy wasting tenants.

If you have any questions about our range of services, please do not hesitate to contact us on 816-436-1000 or email us: service@arcticairkc.com. One of our friendly and knowledgeable staff members will be happy to assist you in any way they can and answer all your queries.

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