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What Happens If You Don’t Change Your HVAC Air Filters

If you’re like the majority of people, you don’t think about your HVAC system until it stops working properly. Do you know what one of the most common causes of system failure or complication is? Filters that are clogged. Keep reading to learn more about how air filters work in your HVAC system and what can happen if you don’t change them on a regular basis.

What is an HVAC Filter Anyway?

Air filters are typically made of spun fiberglass or pleated paper, with a cardboard frame surrounding them. They are inserted into a specific location in HVAC systems and serve as a barrier to keep contaminants and other particles out of the air and away from sensitive parts of the system. Dust, pollen, lint, mold, hair, animal fur, bacteria, and other contaminants are all blocked by functioning HVAC filters.

How Often Should Air Filters Be Changed?

Depending on the type of air filter you’re using, you’ll need to adhere to different schedules to ensure that it’s always performing at its best. Basic filters should be changed every 30 to 60 days, according to most manufacturers’ recommendations, but other factors may influence this schedule.

  • In a typical home without pets, an air filter should be changed every 90 days.
  • If you have a single pet in your home, the filter should be replaced every 60 days.
  • If you have multiple pets or if anyone in your home has allergies, you should change the filter every 20 to 45 days.
  • People who live alone and don’t have pets, or who own vacation homes that aren’t used often, can usually wait 6 to 12 months before changing their filters.

What Happens When an Air Filter Isn’t Changed?

When air filters are not changed on a regular basis, particles and contaminants adhere to the filter, clogging it. While the filter is designed to accommodate these minute objects, the buildup creates an almost impenetrable barrier, preventing the air from flowing freely, which can lead to a variety of issues with the HVAC system.

Increased Energy Costs

When the filter becomes clogged, air flow through the system becomes difficult. Because the air is running for longer, the entire system has to work harder to distribute heat or air where it is needed, which raises your utility bills.

Temperature Control Issues

Because clogged air filters put a strain on the system’s ability to create airflow, warm or cool air cannot get where it needs to go. This means that in the winter, some rooms may be too cold, and in the summer, some rooms may be too hot.

Health Issues

If the air filter becomes clogged and is unable to trap contaminants as effectively as it once did, contaminants may reappear in the air that everyone in your home breathes. Headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness are all possible immediate symptoms. If the air filters are not replaced and the problems persist, long-term consequences could include respiratory diseases that are harder to treat.

Furnace Failure

Because the system is working harder to get around clogged air filters, the entire system may become overworked and eventually fail. You’ll have to replace the entire system if this happens, which can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $12,000. Air filters are typically less than $40, making them inexpensive to replace on a regular basis compared to replacing the entire system.

Frozen Coils

If overworked, evaporative coils, which help remove heat from the air to keep your home cool, can freeze. With a clogged air filter, the air won’t flow properly over the coils, causing them to stop working and resulting in total system failure.

Again, the cost of repairing this problem is higher than the cost of replacing an air filter every few months. Replace the air filters on a regular basis to protect your HVAC system and your wallet.

Prevention is Better than Cure

If you haven’t replaced your air filters in a while, your next step should be to figure out which ones you need and get them replaced as soon as possible. But it’s time to call an HVAC professional if the old filters look like nothing, not even air, could ever pass through them.

We can come to your home and inspect your HVAC system, resolving any issues caused by clogged filters and preventing future problems while also helping you determine what the right filter change schedule is for your HVAC system in the future.



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