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Ditch That Window Air Conditioner This Summer and Upgrade: It’s Easier Than You Think

Tell us if this sounds familiar.

You’ve been making do for the last few summers with a window air conditioning unit chugging away to keep things mildly comfortable. However, you now know that it’s time to really start looking into getting a permanent and effective air conditioner for your home. Especially as you may be spending a lot more time in it this summer, as the COVID-19 restrictions are likely to make staycations, rather than vacations the norm.

But you are feeling a little stuck by the idea of which system is going to meet your needs best. Or who might be able to help you figure that out without selling you on an overpriced system you don’t need.

Here, to help you get started on the right road to a better air-conditioned summer at home are some basic pointers.

Choosing Your Next AC System

When you are starting to consider what AC unit you may want for your home, you are going to want to take a few different factors into account to ensure you are making the right choice. Here are some of the most important

Space Allowance

Do you have the space for both an indoor and outdoor unit? Or do you only have a small amount of space available and that’s one of the biggest reasons you stuck with a window A/C all these years?

Today’s air conditioning systems are more compact and can ‘go’ more places than ever before, so even those homes that seem to have very little space can be accommodated with a more efficient air conditioning system.

Cooling Needs

How much space do you need to cool down? Do you want to be able to cool the entire home at the same time or do you want the ability to keep certain parts of your home cool while leaving others untouched? There is also a question of ductwork? Do you already have ductwork? If not, are you willing to have it installed into your home? Do you have space for that ductwork?

Your Air Conditioning Options

Here are what your key air conditioning options are going to be for your home:

Central air conditioning: Central air conditioners require ductwork and indoor and outdoor systems. These systems are ideal for people who are looking for uniform cooling throughout the home. Because the cooled air is blown through ductwork and out through vents in the house, this system will be less apparent inside your home.

Heat pumps: Heat pumps are often great for people who want a bit more custom control over their home cooling. Heat pumps utilize air handlers around the home to distribute cool air either uniformly or according to your demands–because you can have one air handler running to cool a room without using the others. A couple added bonuses to this system: they run silently, are remote-controlled, and can offer heating comfort too.

Get Professional Help

The best way to determine your air conditioning needs is to work with reliable, honest professionals who can not only help you choose the right options for you but also to ensure they are properly installed. When you need these professional installation services, you can come to us. We can help with the process of determining which system will best serve your needs too, and are just a phone call away.

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