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The Best Indoor Plants For Air Conditioned Homes Revealed

There are lots of reasons to add some greenery to the inside of home, even in the spring and summer when there is plenty of it outside. Indoor houseplants can help cleanse the air and they certainly add to the appeal of your home decor. Some studies even claim they can boost your creativity and productivity! But some, as many of you have possibly found out, don’t do to well in an air-conditioned environment.

The fact is that some plants will not do well in air-conditioned rooms, because they are simply not built for it and the reality is that, short of quit using your A/C, which very few people would be willing to do, there is little you can do about it.

There are a few indoor plants though that—with a little care—can thrive in a temperature and humidity controlled space. So, if you want to bring some extra natural color inside this year, here is a look at some of the best indoor plants to add to an air-conditioned home.

Easy Care and Low Maintenance is Key

When it comes to indoor plants, most homeowners want greenery that’s low maintenance and easy to care for. The plants we are sharing today all fall under these two categories.

The best way to take care of indoor plants that work with AC is to make sure you’re buying potting soil that will work with your indoor temperature. Each of these plants should only be watered when the soil is completely dry, maybe every week or so. When you’re not watering the plants, be sure to mist the leaves every day.

Indoor plants store moisture in their leaves and AC takes that moisture away. By misting your plants, with a simple spray bottle, every day, you ensure your plants are storing the moisture they need without over saturating the roots.

Plant Location Matters

Plants can be like people; they have their favorite spots in the house. Nearly all plants have different needs when it comes to light. Some plants blossom in low-light areas while others need to be by a sunny window. It all depends on the plant type.

If you’re unsure of where to place your plants, monitor them for a few weeks. Are the leaves withering or turning yellow? Chances are they’re too close to an AC vent, or they’re in the wrong type of light. Just move them around and see where they like living best.

Best Indoor Plants For Air Conditioned Homes Revealed

In addition to being better suited for the ‘cool life’, each of these plants can also take a significant amount of abuse and neglect. Meaning you can forget to water them for a few weeks, and they’ll probably be fine.

Snake Plant

Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant is one of the easiest plants to care for. It grows easily even in in low light environments and only needs to be watered once its soil is completely dry.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is another very tolerant plant. While it needs moderate or indirect sunlight, that’s the fussiest it will get. Water them every week or so and only increase watering if you see brown tips on the plant’s leaves.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant, or Zamioculcas zamiifolia as it is properly known, originated in Africa, making it very drought tolerant. It is also a plant that can flourish in a low light environment. What’s more, the ZZ plant’s leaves reflect sunlight, making your room much brighter.

Rubber Plant

Most of the plants we have already covered are on the smaller side. If you’re looking for something larger, try the rubber plant. A member of the ficus family, rubber plants are low maintenance trees that can grow into beautiful statement pieces. They just need a little natural light, some watering, and you’re good to go.

Mind the Humidity

It’s no secret your air conditioner makes your home drier. While this could be a death knell for many plants, with the care and maintenance we mentioned above, your plants will do fine in an AC rich environment. Despite this, you may run into problems, for both plants and the AC, if you notice your humidity levels rising.

If you notice your air is heavier or feels musty, it could mean your AC is not functioning properly. If this is happening, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled HVAC technicians.

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